Deliverable % of Grade Description Emerging Developed Accomplished
Project Management 15.00% Manage this project using skills learned in PM 1 and 2. Create schedule for all stakeholders to see and give feedback on. Create WBS (work breakdown structure) and charter documents. Plan includes rough deadlines, some task definitions, an incomplete WBS and charter and few other details Plan includes complete list of milestones, roles and responsibilities, a complete WBS and project tracking criteria. Charter is complete yet vague. Plan includes all elements of time, and resource management, including risk management. Charter is complete and gives through picture of project
Design 25.00% Create a design that client approves of with intuitive navigation. Including multiple templates (visually seamless) for various sections of the site. Web design incomplete, and does not flow from screen to screen Web design complete but missing details Web design complete and detailed, professionally done. Everything flows and fits together.
Research and Documentation 15.00% requirements gathering paper Paper has many grammatical errors and is incomplete. Lack thesis, and structure. Paper is complete but does not flow, has some grammatical errors. Difficult to follow. Paper is well written and makes sense. There is a thesis and the key points are easily followed throughout the paper.


Project requirements

Look at various CMS’s

Look at open source tools vs proprietary tools

Why I choose the tools I did


Usability and testing 10.00% Usability on the public website. Usability testing is incomplete, and unclear. Project requirements are not looked at. Site is difficult to navigate Site navigation makes sense, Testing is complete and is measurable. Site navigation is intuitive and easy to follow. Testing is complete and measurable. Debriefing report is submitted.


Statement of requirements

Statement of users and stakeholders

User Tasks

Task analysis/Task flow

Create and do one usability test with 5-8 users mid-project.

Development 25.00% Build site using Wordpress 2.5.1 as the backend meeting WC3 standards. Including: CSS and XHTML using: Site development is nothing more than a basic Wordpress installation. If plugins are used they are not integrated into the administration Site does not meet WC3 XHTML and CSS standards, MANY ERRORS! Backend is a bit beyond a basic Worpress installation. Plugins are used but not necessarily intuitive. Site does not meet WC3 standards . Way beyond a basic Worpress installation. Backend is intuitive and customized for clients needs. Meets WC3 standards. If there are any errors or warnings there is documentation about issues and reasons.
Training 10.00% Create training document and do over the phone training session with client.  After training session is complete have client fill out training questionnaire to see if training session was effective. No-little training is done. Client is give links to other basic wordpress info and a username and password, if lucky. Training is complete but difficult for client to understand. Geek speak! Training document is given to client but is not specific to the clients purposes Training is complete and client understands the basic use of thw wordpress system. Training document is given to client, specific to clients purposes. Comprehension is gaged by questionnaire Geek-speak is kept to a bare min.