- I have updated the design a bit by lightening up the body background, at request of the client.
- Installed WPe-commerce, what a wonderful system, fully integrated with google checkout and paypal. I went with this system because it is fully integrated with WordPress and allows for downloads. Initially Peggy will be offering her texts as free pdf downloads. The next step though is for printed copies for purchase. By setting up the downloads as part of the store Peggy not only gathers information about who is downloading, so that she can build a mailing list, but everything is already set up to add sales for purchase.
- For the “answers from God” section Peggy envisioned an area with Bible verses relating to various topics. With the use of some community supported code I added a script that scans the copy and looks for anything that might be a Bible reference. When it finds a reference it displays the verse when you hover over. I am still working on this as it is seeing dates as verses and since August is not a book of the Bible it needs some work.
I also set this section up with its own template so that Peggy can enter a description of the section through the “page” and then the “page” pulls in the posts of the category