From A List Apart: Sing in the rain Ah, that magical moment when Moleskines reach capacity, people pass out from dry-erase fumes, and there are no bad ideas (except for that one…). The time-honored brainstorming session (even confined to one brain), helps you build design concepts around strategy. No reason your copy can’t come along […]
I found this great site today with ads from around the world, aptly called Ads of the World Take a look at it! -Glaze
Thought for today
From Daily OM Why Not Now?Waiting For Someday The time we are blessed with is limited and tends to be used up all too quickly. How we utilize that time is consequently one of the most important decisions we make. Yet it is far too easy to put off until tomorrow what we are dreaming […]
I have a new wallpaper made from a combo of images found online: background from: forgot where I got the prayer flags from. Please let me know if you are the orignal artist and don't want me to share these or have another link to add. Get the wallpaper here: 1280×1084 Enjoy!-Glaze
So I took a week off of exercising, and it was a great thing!!! I am back and wow, am going somewhere. I am deadlifting 90 pounds (with the 45 lb. bar) 3 sets of 4, and tomorrow I move up to 100lbs!!! I feel great. Additionally, I am able to do 4 chin-ups now, […]