This is a list of trans, specifically FTM, resources. Please feel free to add resources you find, as a comment. I will be adding more here so keep checking back. ———————————— Nick Gorton's website Dr. Gorton's Medical Therapy and Health Maintenance for Transgender Men is an valuable resource Made in God's Image TransTheology […]
Workout / 17 March 2007
Worked out at home today (since I skipped friday) Went well, Bodhi helped :) Also, I did a new warmup today. I have been rowing for 2 min. Instead I did a side bridge 30 sec each side, plank with diagonal arm lift 10 each side, warrior lunge 3/5, and sumo squat stand.
Workout / 15 March 2007
Running short on time today, so I cut out the deadlifts. Felt good though and went smoothly. The lat pulldowns were a stretch, I barely got that last rep in. I am going to try to get back into the routine of doing my ab workout at night, we'll see if that actually happens. I […]
Workout / 14 March 2007
Great leg day!
WC Cricket Update
So West Indies won yesterday, but please note that my bet on Gayle…. was not good. 2 runs, two f'in runs and the man was out. Well, maybe next game. Today, keep an eye on Canada, my pick for a win. Remember it is anyones game.